Iggy Arbuckle
Iggy Arbuckle is a Canadian animated series that premiered in Canada on Teletoon in June 2007. Based on a comic strip from National Geographic Kids, the show is created by Guy Vasilovich, and focuses about a pig who happens to be a forest ranger, known in the series as a "Pig Ranger". The plot involves Iggy's attempts to protect the environmental structure of the fictional Kookamunga National Park. It is produced by Blueprint Entertainment.
The series is also aired in Australia on ABC Kids and in the UK on Jetix from August 25, 2007, Pop from June 27, 2011. Oasis International, the Canadian distributor, also licensed the series to channels such as Cartoon Network and Canal + SA and TPS in France. It was also broadcast on Saturday mornings on Toonattik on ITV and CITV, and weekday mornings on Action Stations! on ITV4 and CITV.
Year: 2007
Genre: Comedy, Animation, Kids
Country: Canada, United States of America
Studio: Teletoon
Director: Myra Fried, Guy Vasilovich, Robert Pincombe, Shelley Hoffman, Steve Wright
Cast: Jonathan Wilson, David Berni, James Rankin, Derek McGrath, Stephanie Mills, Novie Edwards
First Air Date: Jun 29, 2007
Last Air date: Oct 10, 2007
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 52 Episode
Runtime: 26 minutes
IMDb: 6.30/10 by 7.00 users
Popularity: 46.711
Language: English
Season 1
Iggy Vs. the Volcano
A Dip in the Pole
The Things We Do for Mud
How Much Wood Can a Woodpecker Peck?
The Beaver Who Would be King
I am Iggy, Hear Me Snore
Idle Worship
There's Something about Berries
Yawny Come Lately
Petition Impossible
Paradise Found
Luck Before You Leap
The Fish Who Came for Dinner
Courage Under Fur
Lights, Camera, Distraction!
Fish and Chip off the Old Block
Any Friend of Yours
Miner Misfortunes
The Way of the Skunk
I Fought the Laundromat
A Whale of a Tale
Big Toe's Faux Paw
Prince of the Kookamunga
Voyage to the Bottom of the Lake
The Tower of Beaver
A Bird in the Hoof
Fair is Ferret
The Case of the Messy Marauder
If Pigs Could Fly
Xtreme Iggy
Resident Weevil
Kook Kook Achoo
Pig-Coloured Glasses
Art for Iggy's Sake
Good Scavenger Hunting
Mooseknuckle Unplugged
Ghost of a Chance
O Brother, Where art Thou?
Ol' Trusty
Nature's Calling
Honey, I Ate the Bug
Sticking Together
Slow Gnus Day
Scents and Sensibility
The Great Kookamunga Standoff
The Big Flap
The Unsung Hero
The Kindness of Rangers
Iggy's Family Tree
When Iggy Met Jiggers
One Fine Day