Mutant League
Mutant League was an animated series based on the videogames Mutant League Football and Mutant League Hockey which aired from 2 July 1994 to 24 February 1996. The show ran for two seasons, with the second typically incorporating more poignant stories and issues, while the first seemed somewhat hodgepodge with little regard for continuity. There are forty episodes in all, thirteen in Season 1 and twenty-seven in Season 2.
Keyword :
She's A Girl!
The Great Madman
Razor's Wedge
The Bones Justice Story
The Retirement
Until You Walked In My Shoes...
Scandalous Cad - Part 1
Scandalous Cad - Part 2
The Ultimate Breed
The Recruit
Enter The Skeletoid
Hooked On Buzz
Shoeless Lazer
All-Star Game
The Outing
The Mental Game
Role Model
The Fanatic
Ultra Fear
City Course
The Comeback
Love Story
In My Father's Name - Part 1
In My Father's Name - Part 2
Sudden Death
The Hall Of Pain Awards