Dan Enright
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Bumper Stumpers is a Canadian game show in which two teams of two players attempted to decipher vanity license plates. It aired on the Global...
All About Faces is a game show which ran from August 30, 1971 to September 1972; The series incorporated a "hidden camera" format similar to Candid...
Hot Potato was a television game show broadcast on NBC in the United States from January 23 to June 29, 1984. Bill Cullen was the show's host and...
Play the Percentages was an American game show.
Concentration is an American television game show based on the children's memory game of the same name. Matching cards represented prizes that...
Twenty One is an American game show which aired in the late 1950s. While it included the most popular contestant of the quiz show era, it became...
Tic-Tac-Dough is an American television game show based on the paper-and-pencil game of tic-tac-toe. Contestants answer questions in various...
Break the Bank is a game show created by Richard S. Kline. It aired in syndication from September 16, 1985 to May 23, 1986, with repeats airing until...
Break the Bank is an American game show created by Jack Barry and Dan Enright and produced by their production company Barry & Enright Productions....
You're On Your Own was an American game show that aired on CBS from December 22, 1956 to March 16, 1957. Actor Steve Dunne was the emcee, with Hal...
Back That Fact is a short-lived American game show that aired on ABC from October 22 to November 26, 1953. This was the first TV game show for...
Dough Re Mi was an American game show that aired on NBC from February 24, 1958 to December 30, 1960. The series was hosted by Gene Rayburn and was...
Contestants play a version of tic-tac-toe by answering questions to win squares on a game board. The popular quiz show enjoyed many incarnations from...