Cris Abrego
Known For:Creator
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
Twenty single women move into a mansion in Los Angeles and compete for the affections of Flavor Flav, who decides who is his one true love.
Celebrity Paranormal Project is a paranormal reality television series that originally aired from October 22, 2006 to November 1, 2007 on VH1. The...
My Fair Brady is a celebrity reality television show on VH1 that follows Christopher Knight, who played Peter Brady on The Brady Bunch, and Adrianne...
The Surreal Life: Fame Games is a reality television series that was originally broadcast on the VH1 cable network. A spin-off of the VH1 show, The...
America's Most Smartest Model was an American reality television show that aired on VH1. The hosts were Ben Stein and Mary Alice Stephenson. The show...
A spin-off series of Flavor of Love, Charm School, I Love New York, Rock of Love, Real Chance of Love, For the Love of Ray J, Daisy of Love and Megan...
The Surreal Life is a reality television series that sets a select group of past-their-prime celebrities and records them as they live together in...
Next Action Star is an American reality television program shown on NBC from June to July 2004.
Rock of Love with Bret Michaels is an American reality television dating game show. It stars Bret Michaels, the lead singer from the band Poison. The...
Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch is an American reality television series airing on VH1 starring wide receiver Chad Ochocinco. The show places him with...
Money Hungry is a reality TV weight loss competition show based around the concept of bet dieting, with twelve teams of two competing for a $100,000...
Bridalplasty is an American reality TV show where 12 women compete to win a dream wedding and plastic surgery procedures. The show ran from November...
Frank The Entertainer in a Basement Affair is a VH1 reality television show starring Frank "The Entertainer" Maresca, who previously starred in I...
Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on April 11, 2010. On November 15, 2010, VH1...
Follow Eva Longoria on a gastronomic pilgrimage across the rich tapestry of Spanish cuisine.
Beloved Mexican soccer team Club Necaxa strives to reclaim their place as one of Mexico's top teams, while their Mexican-American owner Eva Longoria...
I Love New York is a reality television series, which was first aired on VH1. It features Tiffany Pollard, who is in a quest to find her true love....
The Surreal Life is a reality television series that sets a select group of past-their-prime celebrities and records them as they live together in...
Strange Love is a reality series featuring Brigitte Nielsen and Flavor Flav that aired on VH1. Sparked by their on-screen romance in the third season...
Twenty single women move into a mansion in Los Angeles and compete for the affections of Flavor Flav, who decides who is his one true love.
America's Most Smartest Model was an American reality television show that aired on VH1. The hosts were Ben Stein and Mary Alice Stephenson. The show...
Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School, known as Charm School: Flavor of Love Girls in Europe, is the first season of the VH1 reality show Charm School....
New York Goes to Hollywood is a reality VH1 series that consists of eight, 30-minute-episodes. New York Goes to Hollywood premiered on August 4,...
Glam God with Vivica A. Fox is an American reality television show hosted by Vivica A. Fox. The series aired on VH1 from August to October 2008.
Daisy of Love is an American reality television dating show which stars Daisy de la Hoya, the runner-up of the VH1 reality dating show Rock of Love...
Megan gets show to become trophy wife to avoid working hard to earn what she wants.
A spin-off series of Flavor of Love, Charm School, I Love New York, Rock of Love, Real Chance of Love, For the Love of Ray J, Daisy of Love and Megan...
Rock of Love with Bret Michaels is an American reality television dating game show. It stars Bret Michaels, the lead singer from the band Poison. The...
Real Chance of Love is an American reality television dating game show featuring two brothers Ahmad Givens and Kamal Givens, of the rap group The...
New York Goes to Work is a reality VH1 series that first premiered on May 4, 2009. This follow-up of New York Goes to Hollywood stars Tiffany "New...
Charm School with Ricki Lake is the third season of the VH1 reality television series Charm School. Fourteen contestants from Rock of Love Bus with...
For the Love of Ray J is a dating show on VH1 featuring hip hop singer Ray J. The program has a format similar to Flavor of Love, I Love New York,...
Frank The Entertainer in a Basement Affair is a VH1 reality television show starring Frank "The Entertainer" Maresca, who previously starred in I...
Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on April 11, 2010. On November 15, 2010, VH1...
Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It is an American reality documentary television series on VH1 that debuted October 18, 2010 and aired weekly episodes...
Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch is an American reality television series airing on VH1 starring wide receiver Chad Ochocinco. The show places him with...
Money Hungry is a reality TV weight loss competition show based around the concept of bet dieting, with twelve teams of two competing for a $100,000...
Real and Chance: The Legend Hunters is an American reality television that follows brothers Ahmad Givens and Kamal Givens, from VH1's Real Chance of...
Mario Lopez: Saved By the Baby is an American reality television series on VH1 that debuted on November 1, 2010. The series chronicles the life of...
La La's Full Court Life is an American reality television series on VH1. The series debuted on August 22, 2011, and is the following series of La...
Ton of Cash is a show on VH1 that premiered on August 17, 2011. It is hosted by Dhani Jones. The show centers around a group of contestants trying to...
T.I., the Grammy Award-winning artist, is reunited with his wife, Tameka (a.k.a) Tiny, and his children following a 12 month prison sentence that...
A group of stars step away from celebrity life, move into a house together and learn about one another — and themselves.