Lloyd Braun
Known For:Production
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
America's Toughest Jobs is a reality television show that lasted one season and aired on the American television network NBC. It pitted contestants...
Virtuality is a television pilot co-written by Ronald D. Moore and Michael Taylor and directed by Peter Berg that aired on the Fox network. Since the...
Duel is an American game show hosted by Mike Greenberg that first aired from December 17 to December 23, 2007 on ABC. The show aired as a week-long...
Brad Meltzer's Decoded, is an American mystery and conspiracy theory investigation television series, produced by Go Go Luckey and Berman/Braun, that...
Five ordinary people with superhuman physical and mental abilities are brought together to form one extraordinary team of Alphas. Operating within...
A detective goes undercover to investigate the murder of her best friend.
Mercy is a medical drama which aired on NBC from September 23, 2009 to May 12, 2010. The series initially aired on Wednesday nights at 8/7c, as part...
Off the grid and miles from civilization, Little Otter Family Camp has summer fun for everyone. Parents decompress over gin and tonics while their...
"The Cape" is a drama series following Vince Faraday, an honest cop on a corrupt police force, who finds himself framed for a series of murders and...
A newspaper film critic, Billie is a single woman who finds herself "accidentally" pregnant after a one-night stand with a much younger guy, and...
Rex Is Not Your Lawyer was a proposed legal drama from actor Andrew Leeds and novelist David Lampson. A pilot was shot in December 2009, starring...