Eric Friedman
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
The live-action comedy follows comedy duo Paige and Frankie, two quirky teens who write funny songs and create music comedy videos for their online...
Zoey 101 is an American television series which originally aired on Nickelodeon from January 9, 2005 until May 2, 2008. It focuses on the lives of...
A comedy about the unique relationship between a young songwriter, Ally Dawson, and Austin Moon, the overnight internet sensation who gains sudden...
The live-action comedy follows comedy duo Paige and Frankie, two quirky teens who write funny songs and create music comedy videos for their online...
Fifteen-year-old Drake and Josh are schoolmates, but not close friends. Drake views Josh as weird and a bit of a goof. So, imagine Drake's shock when...
The Oblongs are not so much dysfunctional as slightly nonfunctional. Living next to a polluted swamp has left them with the occasional missing limb...
Downtown is an animated series on MTV on urban life, based on interviews with real people. The show follows a diverse and multiracial cast who live...
Follow three members of a mega-famous pop group, Electric Bloom, as they look back and tell the story of their band and friendship, starting with the...
Wyatt Bernstein is a typical boy who lives n a household full of females. Wyatt desperately wishes for a brother he could do fun guy stuff with. When...