Vincent Talenti
Known For:Directing
Place of Birth:
Also Known As:
This origin story follows the not-so-NCR Ranger, James Eldridge in the Wasteland, and his first encounter with the deadly Scorpion and his gang. Set...
This origin story follows the not-so-NCR Ranger, James Eldridge in the Wasteland, and his first encounter with the deadly Scorpion and his gang. Set...
This origin story follows the not-so-NCR Ranger, James Eldridge in the Wasteland, and his first encounter with the deadly Scorpion and his gang. Set...
On their dying planet, the Autobots and Decepticons battle fiercely for control of the AllSpark in the Transformers universe's origin story.
While Megatron takes drastic measures to save the Decepticons, the Autobots fight to save all of Cybertron from both on the planet and aboard the Ark.
The frantic race to locate the Allspark first culminates on a strange planet as the future comes crashing through to the present day.
Set in the Fallout game universe, this fan film follows the ranger on a mission to find a person of interest.
Set in the Fallout game universe, this fan film follows the ranger on a mission to find a person of interest.