Paul Alter
Known For:Directing
Place of Birth:Chicago, Illinois, USA
Also Known As:
Tattletales is an American game show which first aired on the CBS daytime schedule on February 18, 1974. It was hosted by Bert Convy, with several...
Sale of the Century is a television game show format that has been screened in several countries in various incarnations since 1969. The show found...
The New Hollywood Squares is the third Hollywood Squares television series. The program aired between September 15, 1986 and June 16, 1989. It was...
The Big Payoff was a daytime and primetime game show that premiered on NBC in 1951, and ended its network run on CBS in 1959. It had a brief...
$ale of the Century was an Australian game show that aired on the Nine Network from 14 July 1980 – 29 November 2001. Tony Barber hosted a game...
Two for the Money is an American game show television program which ran from 1952 to 1957. The show ran for one season on NBC, and four seasons on...
Card Sharks is an American television game show created by Chester Feldman for Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Productions. Two contestants compete for...
Card Sharks is a syndicated revival of the 1978 American game show of the same name. The series was hosted by Pat Bullard.
Two families compete against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey question posed to 100 people.
A star-studded version of the beloved and enduring game show, featuring four celebrity families matching wits each week to raise money for their...
Family Feud was an Australian game show based on the American show of the same name. It ran on the Nine Network from 1977–1984, and on the...
A modern reimagination of the classic game show. In each round, a celebrity panel will be presented with three people who all claim to be the same...
The show features a panel of four celebrities attempting to correctly identify a described contestant who has an unusual occupation or experience....
Two families of four are brought together and go head-to-head answering questions that have been put to 100 people, to determine the most popular...
Beat the Clock is a game show hosted by Bud Collyer that ran on CBS from 1950 to 1958 and ABC from 1958 to 1961.
Family Feud sees kiwi families battle it out against each other, answering questions that have been put to 100 people to determine the most popular...
Fast-paced entertainment series voiced by Mel Giedroyc, featuring the best and worst of magic and other incredible performers from around the world.
He Said, She Said is an American game show hosted by Joe Garagiola, with Bill Cullen occasionally filling in when Garagiola was covering baseball...
The Price is Right in the UK was hosted by Leslie Crowther, Bob Warman, Bruce Forsyth, and Joe Pasquale. It ran discontinuously from 24 March 1984...
The Price Is Right is an American game show hosted by Bill Cullen that premiered on NBC on November 26, 1956.
Body Language is an American game show produced by Mark Goodson Productions. The show aired on CBS from June 4, 1984 until January 3, 1986, and was...
Sale of the Century was a UK game show based on a US game show of the same name. It was first shown on ITV from 1971 to 1983, hosted by Nicholas...
Man Against Crime, one of the first television programs about private eyes, ran on CBS, the DuMont Television Network and NBC from October 7, 1949 to...
"Come on down!" The Price Is Right features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic challenge: Guess the prices of everyday (or...