Robert E. Howard
Known For:Writing
Place of Birth:Peaster, Texas, United States
Also Known As:Patrick Mac Conaire, Steve Costigan, Patrick Ervin, Patrick Howard, Sam Walser, REH, Two-Gun Bob, Robert Ervin Howard
Conan and the Young Warriors is a 1994 television cartoon series produced by Sunbow Entertainment and aired by CBS aired as a sequel to the animated...
Conan was created by Robert E. Howard, who wrote novels based on the legendary barbarian. This animated series follows the legendary barbarian as he...
Thriller is an American anthology television series that aired during the 1960–61 and 1961–62 seasons on NBC. The show featured host...
Conan: The Adventurer is an American television series created, developed, financed, distributed and produced by Max A. Keller and Micheline Keller...