Dragon Collection
Through an unexpected turn of events, an ordinary elementary school student, Hiro Enryu, finds himself in the world of the "Dragon Collection" game. This is a world called Dragon Earth, where gods, humans, and monsters exist side by side. Those who roam this world using a magic book, called a Grimoire, and cards to summon monsters and search for treasures that bear the powers of dragons are called Dracolle Battlers. Despite his bewilderment, Hiro becomes a Dracolle Battler and, together with the friends he meets there, begins his adventure to become a legendary Dragon Master!
Year: 2015
Genre: Animation, Kids, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country: Japan
Studio: TV Tokyo
Cast: Tomo Muranaka, Aki Toyosaki, Tomoko Kaneda, Kouichi Sakaguchi
Crew: Keiichiro Kawaguchi (Director), Tatsuya Yoshihara (Character Designer)
First Air Date: Apr 07, 2014
Last Air date: Mar 23, 2015
Season: 1 Season
Episode: 51 Episode
Runtime: 12 minutes
IMDb: 0.00/10 by 0.00 users
Popularity: 27.169
Language: Japanese
Season 1
What's Going On!? DraColle!
A Weirdo Has Arrived!
Yet Another Weirdo Has Arrived!
Octopus Extermination at Myseen Castle!
Combination? What's That!?
The Endlessly Pesky Green Pepper Gang!
What's That? A Monster Dispenser!
Run! Hiro and Rei!
Looks Like a Traveler in Trouble
Smash the Green Pepper Gang!
The Young Master and The Trickster?!
The Captain Stinks?!
The Evil Bizarreda Triangle!
Pirate King Doc Rowe!
Captain Yut's Ambition!
'Me' versus 'Me'?!
Shiver Me Timbers! Pirates?!
Fusion? I Don't Believe It!
Co Uta Mara Strikes Back Big-Time!
Farewell, Lanche!
Uh-Oh, We're in Ohto!
The Darkness Grimoire!
Dragonia Battler Tournament!
Farewell, Rei!
Papi? Papi Papi!
No Way?! Shin Evolves?!
Burn Up! Meatmania!
No Way! Hiro Evolves, Too?!
Fierce Fight! The Flame-Filled Final Round!
This is Bad! Rebirth of the Evil God?!
Three Altars? A Puzzling Message!
Peeved! Peeved! Papi!
So Ripped! Side Chest?!
Shock! This is the Key?!
It's My Ma!
Tee-Hee! I'm Forever Seventeen!
Why Don't I Get a Hunch?!
Big Battle at the Undersea Temple!
Forced Confession! It's Yuna's Secret!
Where's That? The Tartarus Gate!
Tell Us, Nastasya!
The Dragon Wing is Burning?
Set Sail! Darkskull
Really?! Rei Evolves, Too?!
Danger! Nine Dragons!
The Evil God Descends!
Shudder! The Epic Battle!
Evil! The Wickedest Dragon!
Advent of the Chaos God Drake!
Dragon Master!
Time For Guts! Meatmania!