Homefront is an American television drama series created and produced by Lynn Marie Latham and Bernard Lechowick in association with Warner Bros. Television for ABC. The show was set in the fictional city of River Run, Ohio in 1945, 1946, and 1947. The show's theme song, "Accentuate the Positive", was written by Johnny Mercer and performed by Jack Sheldon.
Forty-two episodes were broadcast in the United States over two seasons from 1991 to 1993. TV Guide, Abigail Van Buren, and fans showed determination in getting ABC to continue the show for a third season before it was cancelled.
Year: 1993
Country: United Kingdom
Studio: ABC
Director: Lynn Marie Latham, Bernard Lechowick
Cast: David Newsom, Kyle Chandler, Mimi Kennedy, Wendy Phillips, Alexandra Wilson, Hattie Winston
Crew: Christopher Chulack (Producer), James Stanley (Producer), David Jacobs (Executive Producer), Lynn Marie Latham (Executive Producer), Bernard Lechowick (Executive Producer), Diane Messina Stanley (Producer)
First Air Date: Sep 24, 1991
Last Air date: Apr 26, 1993
Season: 2 Season
Episode: 42 Episode
Runtime: 60 minutes
IMDb: 5.10/10 by 8.00 users
Popularity: 46.588
Language: English
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