The Midnight Special - Season 2
The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday night edition of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The show typically featured guest hosts, except for a period from July 1975 through March 1976 when singer Helen Reddy served as the regular host. Wolfman Jack served as the announcer and frequent guest host. The series also occasionally aired vintage footage of older acts. As the program neared the end of its run in the early 1980s, it began to frequently use lip-synched performances rather than live. The program also featured occasional comedic performances such as Richard Pryor and Andy Kaufman.
Keyword : variety show
Host: Curtis Mayfield
Host: Wilson Pickett
Hosts: Seals & Crofts
Hosts: Gladys Knight & the Pips
Host:The Bee Gees
Hosts: War
Hosts: Sly and the Family Stone
Chuck Berry
Host: Jerry Lee Lewis
The 1980 Floor Show starring David Bowie
Host: Peter Noone
Hosts: Procol Harum
Hosts: The Four Tops
Hosts: Loggins & Messina
Host: Jose Feliciano Guests: Clarence Carter, Roger McGuinn, Linda Ronstadt, Sha Na Na
Host: Marty Robbins
Million Sellers hosted by Wolfman Jack
Hosts: Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Host: Smokey Robinson
Host: Steve Miller Guests: Brownsville Station, Tim Buckley, The James Cotton Blues Band, Genesis, The James Gang
Host: Helen Reddy
Hosts: Ike and Tina Turner
Host: Roy Orbison
Host: Gordon Lightfoot
Hosts: Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Hosts: Gladys Knight and the Pips
Hosts: The Pointer Sisters
Host: Bill Withers
Hosts: The Guess Who
Hosts: The Righteous Brothers
Host: Roy Clark
Host: Curtis Mayfield
Host: Charlie Rich
Hosts: The Spinners
Host: George Carlin
Host: Frankie Avalon
Host: Richard Pryor
Host: Marty Robbins
Hosts: The Kinks
Host: David Steinberg (All-Comedy show)
Host: Anne Murray
Host: Bobby Womack
Host: Helen Reddy
Host: Leon Russell
Host: Leon Russell
Hosts: Sly and the Family Stone
Host: Little Richard
Host: B.B. King
Marvin Gaye
Hosts: The O'Jays