Paddington Bear - Season 2
Paddington Bear is a series of British animated shorts based on the Paddington Bear book series by Michael Bond produced by FilmFair. This was the first television series based on the popular children's book Paddington Bear. In the United States it was usually shown on pay television as filler in between programs. Its narrator was actor Michael Hordern. It was one of the few television programmes to combine a puppet show with cartoon - Paddington himself was a puppet, but other characters in the series were depicted as cartoon characters.
The series has a very distinctive art style. Paddington himself is a stop-motion animated puppet who moves within a 3-dimensional space and interacts with 2-dimensional animated drawings of the human characters, buildings, etc.
The series, along with all other FilmFair productions is currently owned by DHX Media of Canada.
First Air Date: Jan 05, 1976
Last Air date: Apr 18, 1980
Season: 2 Season
Episode: 56 Episode
Runtime: 30 minutes
IMDb: 7.20/10 by 24.00 users
Popularity: 84.465
Language: English
Keyword :
Paddington in Court
Paddington Bakes a Cake
A Picnic on the River
Paddington's Patch
In and Out of Trouble
Paddington at the Tower
A Visit to the Bank
Paddington Clears the Coach
Picture Trouble
Trouble at the Beach
Keeping Fit
Paddington in the Hot Seat
Paddington and the Mystery Box
Paddington's Puzzle
Paddington Weighs In
Paddington Takes a Snip
A Visit to the Theatre
Paddington Buys a Share
Paddington in a Hole
Paddington and the Finishing Touch
Trouble in the Bargain Basement
An Outing in the Park
Paddington Dines Out
Paddington Takes the Stage
Paddington in Touch
Comings and Goings at No.32