Space Angel - Season 2
Space Angel was an animated science fiction television series produced in the United States from early 1962 through 1964. It used the same Synchro-Vox lip technique as Clutch Cargo, the first cartoon produced by the same studio, Cambria Productions.
The series chronicled the adventures of three astronauts who worked for the Earth Bureau of Investigation's Interplanetary Space Force on board the spaceship Starduster: Captain/Pilot Scott McCloud, also known as "The Space Angel", Electronics/Communications expert Crystal Mace, and the immensely strong Scottish born Gunner/Engineer Taurus.
Keyword :
Name, Rank, and Serial Number
Crystal's Anti-boyfriend
They Went That-a-way
Power Failure
Scratch One Chimp
Red Alert
The Day The Earth Went Dark
Queen of the Three Suns
Once Upon a Rainbow
Welcome, Neighbor
Space Angel Meets a Devil
Top Secret
How to Win a Space Race Without Really Trying
The Gold City Blues
The not so Mythical Beast
Count Down
The Abominable Moon Man
Dr. Kinkaid, I Presume
Crisis in Orbit
The Great Plain Robbery
Take me to your Leader
The Ghost and Crystal Mace
The National Bank Chase
Big Bertha makes Peace
Gopher Broke
Conflict Nola